At Courser Capital Management, LLC, we approach working with clients in a way that sets us apart. We use a two-pronged approach to combine the smoothest path to your goals with a rigorous investment process. All too often we encounter clients who work with advisors that only think about “the plan” but neglect the portfolio, or brokers who focus on markets at the expense of connecting client capital with their unique situation. At Courser Capital Management, LLC, clients don’t have to sacrifice planning for investment performance, or visa-versa.


Prong 1 – Chart the course

Knowing where you’re going and how you plan to get there is vitally important to financial success. Establishing a financial plan that provides clear, quantifiable goals is a fundamental element for achieving financial independence, and our job is to provide those plans for clients.


Prong 2 – Putting capital to work

Portfolios are where the rubber meets the road with having your money working hard, while not taking undue risk. We dedicate enormous amounts of time, energy, and resources to building and managing portfolios to optimize them for performance and risk characteristics. We understand that the most effective financial plan is useless if a portfolio doesn’t generate sufficient returns, which is why we take the investment process so seriously.


The long-view and the grind –

Establishing a financial plan is a critical step in the process we undertake with clients. Once a financial plan is established, it is revisited regularly and updated as needed when circumstances change.

Investments require an ongoing focus and demand constant attention. We are dedicated to keeping long-term plans in context while paying close attention to portfolios, the markets and the economy.